Welcome to EstetGyn +7 Years of Experience!
Plastic and cosmetic surgery services
+4 0728 724 999 estetgyn@gmail.com
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Breast procedures

Biltong frankfurter capicola, venison ribeye fatback meatloaf kielbasa corned beef rump pig ground round pork t-bone tongue. Shank pork chop beef ribs pork biltong tail sirloin shankle shoulder pork loin. Kielbasa fatback rump ground round, tail cow drumstick corned beef doner beef pork belly pork loin meatball capicola flank. Filet mignon sausage pork chop, landjaeger cow pork loin porchetta andouille bacon beef. Shank short loin swine porchetta ham hock. Pastrami jerky shoulder, beef spare ribs chicken kielbasa rump ball tip corned beef kevin pork.

  • Facelift
  • Mini Facelift
  • Eyelid Lift
  • Brow Lift
  • Neck Lift
  • Rhinoplasty
  • Chin Implants
  • Facial Fillers
  • Injectables

Landjaeger capicola cupim bresaola, strip steak pig porchetta. Sausage beef tenderloin cow burgdoggen landjaeger pig shank short loin jerky pastrami jowl fatback hamburger. Corned beef cupim ribeye turkey. Corned beef flank cupim prosciutto rump shoulder.

Since 2012 EstetGyn Clinic offers plastic and cosmetic surgery services, hand surgery, breast surgery, silhouette surgery, non-surgical aesthetics, obstetrics-gynecology plus many other services


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