There are many gynecological problems, and most women live with it all their lives. They are accompanied by a myriad of complexes, which prevent to be fully realized in society.
Modern medicine can easily eliminate any aesthetic problems in gynecology. And if earlier only the surgical method, which most women fear, could solve these problems, then surgical treatment are used only in extreme cases now.
In order to rejuvenate intimate parts, an injection method is widely used and effective, which will give you the opportunity to feel young and full of desires, strengths and feelings. The main advantage of non-invasive methods of correction is that you will not have to change the usual way of life, refrain from some plans and feel stress because of the future operation. In our clinic we use only modern injecting medicines and techniques that give a lasting effect. The procedure is carried out by highly skilled specialists who know their business.
What intimate problems could be solved by aesthetic gynecology?
♦ postnatal and age-related changes in intimate zones;
♦ loss of genital aesthetics, asymmetry of large and small labia;
♦ dryness, itching, loss of muscle tone and sagging of the walls of the vagina of І-ІІ grade .;
♦ stress urinary incontinence;
♦ dyspareunia (painful sexual intercourse);
♦ reduction of libido (sexual desire);
♦ inability to achieve vaginal orgasm;
Intimate contour plastics
Intimate contour plastics is a non- invasive method for improving the look and sensitivity of the intimate zone. Intimate filling is used to correct the shape of small and large labia, the walls of the vagina, and the filling (augmentation) of point G.
The essence of the method:
Injections of fillers based on hyaluronic acid, compatible with human tissues. The fillers align the contours of the tissues, giving them volume and elasticity.
♦ rejuvenation and improvement of the look of the intimate zone;
♦ increased muscle tone of the pelvic area;
♦ improvement of the degree of moisturizing of the genital mucosa;
♦ correction of urinary incontinence.
♦ increased libido;
♦ improving the quality of sexual life;
♦ increased sensitivity of the intimate zone;
♦ elimination of the complex of inferiority and aesthetic dissatisfaction.
One of the innovative non-invasive methods of restoration and rejuvenation of the body is plasmolifting. In gynecology it is used as a part of complex treatment for accelerating tissue regeneration.
Plasmolifting is a medical procedure that is an injection of platelet plasma, derived from his own blood of the patient, to a defective organ.
How does it work?
The therapeutic effect of this procedure is based on the presence platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF). They stimulate the regeneration (restoration) of tissues, mucous membranes. Antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal drugs only affect the pathogen, but do not eliminate the effects of inflammation that it causes. Due to the inclusion of the plasmolifting procedure in the complex treatment of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, dystrophic diseases of the vulva (kraurosis vulvae, leukoplakia), chronic endometritis, recurrent endo- and exzocervicitis, a reliable therapeutic effect is achieved and the duration of treatment is reduced.
♦ chronic salpingitis;
♦ chronic endometritis;
♦ pelvic adhesive disease;
♦ kraurosis vulvae;
♦ urogenital atrophy;
♦ erosion of the cervix;
♦ discomfort after childbirth during intercourse.
♦ anti-inflammatory effect
♦ antimicrobial effect
♦ improvement of microcirculation and metabolism
♦ restoration of the mucous membrane of the cervix and vagina
♦ tissue regeneration
♦ enhancement of collagen formation
♦ elimination of discomfort during sexual intercourse
♦ increase the tonus of pelvic floor muscles
♦ restoration of the menstrual cycle
♦ improving the quality of life
♦ pregnancy
♦ period of lactation
♦ systemic blood diseases
♦ Oncological diseases
♦ acute infectious process
♦ allergic reactions
♦ heparin intolerance
Plasmolifting in gynecology
♦ Сlinical and laboratory tests: for sexually transmitted infections, general and biochemical blood tests, blood test for hepatitis and HIV infection.
♦ 45-60 ml of venous blood are taken from the patient
♦ With the aid of a centrifuge, blood plasma is obtained – the plasma enriched with platelets. The platelets contain molecules that trigger the regeneration of tissues, hormones, vitamins, proteins.
♦ The resulting preparation by microinjections is injected into the mucous membrane of the cervix and vagina. The procedure is painless, does not require anesthesia and a recovery period.
♦ Plasmoliftin – is a course of procedures. The course begins in the first phase of the menstrual cycle. On average, you need from 5 to 10 procedures with intervals of 5-7 days, depending on the patient’s health and the expected result. The effect is after the first injection.
♦ For women after forty years, the problem of hormone imbalance, genital dryness, and urinary incontinence becomes a topical issue. In this case, plasma helps to restore and regenerate tissues.
- Facelift
- Mini Facelift
- Eyelid Lift
- Brow Lift
- Neck Lift
- Rhinoplasty
- Chin Implants
- Facial Fillers
- Injectables
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