One of the tell-tale signs of the ageing process is the laxity of skin in the neck. While it is an unfortunate reality that with age comes loose and sagging skin in this area, there is a surgical solution that can reverse the ageing effects by pulling the skin tightly together and creating a youthful appearance and a slim neck contour.
For women who feel concerned about looking older because of loose skin around the neck, a neck lift with Dr. Mihail COJOCARUis a very effective surgical solution. Occasionally, it may not only be older women but simply women with naturally weak neck muscles who wish to have this surgery in order to improve the contour of their neck. During this procedure, Dr. Mihail COJOCARUwill strategically place incisions behind the ears or under the chin, giving him access to remove excess tissue without causing scarring.
This procedure is also often performed in tandem with brow lifts, cheek fillers, and facelifts in order to create a comprehensive transformation of the face for improved facial harmony. While neck lifts are very effective at removing sagging, excess skin, they are not an appropriate solution for removing large amounts of fat around the neck and chin. If you would like to remove fat rather than skin, liposuction in this area would be a more effective solution.
Neck Lift FAQs
Am I a suitable neck lift candidate?
Are you lacking in confidence because of the laxity of the skin and muscle on your neck? Are you concerned that your loose and sagging neck skin is making you seem older than your years? If so, you could be the perfect candidate for neck lift surgery with Dr. Harceaga, a procedure that can tighten the skin around the neck, make you look younger, and boost your self confidence.
How should I prepare for cervicoplasty (neck lift)?
It is a very good idea for all patients to stop smoking for 2 weeks prior to their surgery, and to stop taking certain medications and supplements that can thin out the blood. Dr. Mihail COJOCARU will be able to let you know which medications you will not be able to take prior to surgery.
What happens in the operating room?
A neck lift is a straightforward cosmetic surgery that is generally performed with the patient under local anaesthetic. Incisions will be made behind the ears, under the chin, or in both areas. These incisions give Dr. Mihail COJOCARUthe access he needs to remove excess tissue and skin without causing scarring in visible places. The remaining skin is then fixed together using sutures, and the whole procedure should take around 2-3 hours to complete.
What is the recovery process for necklifts?
You will experience some soreness and discomfort around your neck for approximately 1 week following this procedure. During this time, you may also be required to apply a compress to the area in order to minimize swelling and bruising, which will completely go down within a month. You will be administered painkillers so that any pain you experience is minimal, and you should be able to return to work 2 weeks following surgery.
Should I have neck liposuction or a neck lift?
Neck liposuction is a better solution for patients who wish to remove excess fat around the neck and chin and do not have excess loose skin, whereas a neck lift is a more appropriate solution for patients who are concerned about the ageing effect of loose and sagging skin on the neck.
Will I have any scars?
In this procedure, Dr. Mihail COJOCARUwill strategically place incisions behind your ears or under your chin so that they are not visible. You will have scars, but they will be hidden in inconspicuous places so that they are never on show.
Are there any complications associated with necklift surgery?
As with all cosmetic surgery procedures, there are some risks associated with neck lift surgery. Patients have a small chance of experiencing bleeding, skin ulceration, infection, and formation of fluid beneath the skin. Dr. Mihail COJOCARUis an experienced neck lift surgeon who takes every precaution to ensure that no complications occur during or after surgery.
What Can You Expect With A Necklift? – Find Out More
During your initial consultation, the surgeon will:
You can find out more about neck lift surgery on our blog pages. At „ ESTET & GYN ” - Clinic of Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic Surgery from Timisoara, Romania, we have a number of plastic surgeons experienced in neck lift surgery. To book a free consultation, please call us on +40356177771 or email . Alternatively, please fill out the contact box below and a member of our team will get in touch with you.
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