The time leaves its mark on every part of our body, except that the face is the first to suffer from the advancing in age, in time losing its accumulated adipose tissue and beginnings to acquire a worn aspect. This is worsened by the harmful action of other factors as: sunshine, smoking and dermatologic diseases.
The immediate effect is: cheeks lacking firmness, eyebrows collapsing in an unattractive way over the eyes, prominent eye circles, the aged aspect of the maxilla and the development of folds in the neck area. The result is a face with elongated and aged aspect.
The lifting is the answer for a ten-year younger visage.
Face lift is an operation which has been done since the '70's and represents the best solution to diminishing the aesthetic damage wrought by the age.
As people get old, the effects of gravity, daily stress and sun exposure may show on their faces, as deep wrinkles crop up. The aging process affects both skin and underlying tissues as: face and throat muscles and even the bone skeleton may be the seat of some involutive alterations. Face lift cannot halt this; it can only reverse time by diminishing the most visible aging signs.
What patients can benefit from face lift?
As a rule, face lift is performed on persons aged between 40 and 60, but it can also be done on healthy persons aged 80. One should remember that face lift makes one younger, but not more beautiful, as the surgery mends the age effect.
Surgery hazards
There is no operation without risk. When done by an experienced surgeon, the complications are rare and usually of lesser importance. There are big differences between patients regarding their healing rate so that the result is never completely foreseeable.
As for complications, there may crop up haematoma, infections, or the lesion of a motive branch of the facial nerve. A widened scar and thinned out hair on the temple scar may also show up.
Before surgery indications
The facial lift surgery is performed under local anesthesia combined with intravenous anesthesia. Some surgeons prefer to use complete anesthesia by intubation. The surgery lasts for 3 hours. The purpose of this operation is to stretch out the face and neck skin by relocating the face muscles. The incision performed starts from the hairy head skin; it runs in front the ear, then it goes round the lobe and runs behind it. The skin is cut asunder from the muscles and fat under it. The muscles are strengthened, the skin is pulled back and upwards and the excess is removed. After the surgery one leaves a small draining tube is on the spot in order to hinder the appearance of haematoma. At the same time one can mend the dark rings around the lower eye lids and can remove the excess of skin of the upper eye lids.
After the surgery a circular compressing bandage is applied on the face.
Post-surgery hospitalization
After facial lift a 1 to 2 day long hospitalization period is required in order for the patient to stay under medical supervision during which antibiotics need to be taken on a prophylactic basis. The draining tubes will be removed within 1 or 2 days.
Post-surgery recovery
In the first days after the surgery there may crop up a slight unease and local pain that can be fought with anti-algid medication. A certain numbness of the skin may also be felt during a few weeks after. The bandages may be kept on for 7 to 10 days.
In the first week the skin tegument is pale, slightly swollen, sometimes evincing small ecchymoses that will go away after the first week. The stitches will be removed 12 days after the surgery as this can be done by the family general practitioner. After healing it is essential that one should avoid exposure to sun, cold and to weight fluctuations, which may mar the results of the surgery.
As far as the scars are concerned, they turn red until they are 6 months old and after 9 months to one year they go flat and turn a light color. The only stretch not hidden by the hair, the scar in front of the ear, will practically turn invisible after 9 months.
We have performed more than 500 surgeries of facial lift. If you have a lift done on you, you cannot stop the lapse of time. The skin will keep on aging over time, but the effects of a lifting surgery are long-lasting and still after many years you will look better than you would have looked like if you had not undergone the operation at all.
Find out how you can benefit from this intervention. Make an appointment for an examination at Dr Mihail COJOCARU .
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the ideal age for lifting?
The ideal age is highly variable from person to person. Depending on the profession or on other factors, the lifting can be justified even at 35, or to an equal extent at ages over 70, therefore the scope of the ideal age is forty years wide.
The results will be more marked when the surgery is performed at a more advanced age, but due to the aesthetic surgery, it is more recommendable to maintain a younger aspect for a longer time rather to wait for the age-induced marks to settle in.
Does the lifting change the physiognomy?
NOTE: The lifting does not change the shape of the mouth, does not alter the jawline or the ear and eye contour, due to the fact that the lifting does not aim at pulling at the skin, but at the deep facial muscles.
How long does the result of a lifting last?
No certain time period can be guaranteed, because the benefit of the surgery depends not only upon the surgery in itself, but also on other age-inducing factors (heredity, way of life and hygiene, other disorders etc). The continuing aging process can be delayed by means of corrections applied on various areas using even the same scars. Apart from the cases of dramatic weight gains or losses, the obtained result is stable throughout several years.
How long does the post-lifting recovery period last?
The benefit of the surgery is obtained 21-30 days after the surgery. The first suture threads are removed after the first week, while the remaining ones – after the second one, when the ecchymoses and the edema disappear.
The time to resume of the current activity is very varying, as from the day 5-8 after the surgery.
When can I wear a make-up?
The make-up can be performed right after the suture threads are removed, but decolorization and dyeing of the hair not before 21 days. The self-massaging of the scars is recommended in the mornings and evenings for 1-2 months.
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