The decision to have Breast Augmentation surgery is a major step for most women and extremely personal. At “ ESTET & GYN ” - Clinic of Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic Surgery from Timisoara, Romania, Dr. Mihail COJOCARU therefore always guides and supports his prospective patients in an initial consultation. During this consultation, you will discuss your reasons for wanting Breast Augmentation surgery and will undergo a thorough medical check-up.
If found to be a suitable candidate for breast augmentation surgery, Dr. Mihail COJOCARU will explain all the available options to you and make recommendations as to which approach is best suited to your body and desired goals.You will also have the opportunity to view our state-of-the-art facilities and meet with our team of friendly and experienced staff.
How to prepare for your consultation
In order to make the most of your consultation with Dr. Mihail COJOCARU, we recommend that you take some time to prepare. Please read our four top recommendations:
1. Read about Breast Augmentation surgery
Breast Augmentation surgery, although very common and routine, is still a surgical procedure. The commitment to undergo a breast enlargement should therefore be made only after you have seriously considered all the advantages and disadvantages, and then made an informed decision.
To be able to make this decision, you need to understand what the surgery involves, and what to expect after the surgery. There are many very informative sites online that help patients towards making this decision. Unfortunately, there are also many sites that scare patients with sensational headlines and content.
2. Understand Your Options in Breast Augmentation surgery
There are a number of choices that you will need to remake in order to choose a suitable Breast Augmentation procedure for your requirements. Dr. Mihail COJOCARUwill guide you through this process and help you make the decision based on what will most enhance your body.
Dr. Mihail COJOCARUis experienced in all types of breast enlargement and is therefore comfortable performing any technique that he believes will give you the best possible result. The decision on what is best for your breasts has to do with your existing anatomy and body proportions.
Your options include:
3. Look at Before and After Pictures
Search the Internet or our before and after gallery for images of women with breast implants in order get a better understanding of what looks you like and what you do not like. (Search for terms such as: boob job photos and breast implant before and after pictures.) There are many bad results out there, so do not worry if you see something that you think is unattractive. Breast Augmentation surgery is perceived as an easy surgery and many doctors who are not Surgeons (such as family doctors, emergency doctors and gynaecologists) are performing these procedures.
The results are not always ideal. While no surgeon can ever guarantee you perfect results, a properly trained Surgeon is more likely to be able to give you great results, and if needed, correct any potential problems.
It would be ideal if you could bring with you to the consultation examples from the Internet of both what you like and what you do not. If appropriate and to save having to print them out, you can instead email these images to us at prior to your consultation.
When looking at pictures of other women’s breasts, you should consider these features:
4. Look at Your Own Breasts
Look at yourself in the mirror. You need to understand that every woman is different and that your existing breast size, shape and position will significantly influence the appearance of your body after Breast Augmentation surgery. Some women have breasts that sit far apart, for example. In these women, a proper breast enlargement will require that the breast implants are still placed behind the breasts, even if the breasts are notably apart. If Dr. Mihail COJOCARU were otherwise to attempt to place the breast implants close together in an effort to achieve a desired cleavage, the natural breasts would sit more off to the side, and the result would be a very unnatural look.
When looking at yourself, also note that your right and left breasts are not identical. Nobody is perfectly symmetrical, and you are not an exception to this rule. Typically, right and left breasts differ in size, position, orientation, and the size and shape of the nipples. Some women have very slight asymmetry, while in others this asymmetry is more pronounced. During your consultation, Dr. Mihail COJOCARU will discuss this with you and explain what can be done to improve your asymmetry.
Your Breast Augmentation Surgery Consultation
Dr. Mihail COJOCARU is a highly experienced surgeon who always takes the time to get to know his patients and their needs before committing to any kind of surgery. At your consultation, you will have the opportunity to meet with Dr. Mihail COJOCARU, and let him know about the look you want to achieve. The doctor will guide you through the whole breast augmentation process: from the preparations you will need to make, through to the surgical procedure and aftercare. You will have the opportunity to ask any questions and raise any concerns you might have with Dr. Mihail COJOCARUand his team of highly qualified and experienced healthcare professionals.
Many women would desire to have Breast Augmentation, but not all are good candidates for this procedure. The best candidates are women who have all the information, fully understand what the surgery involves and what are the limitations of the surgery, and who have a realistic expectation.
Breast Augmentation can improve the appearance of your breasts, but should not be used as a means to improve your overall life, or to make a bad relationship better. Women should only consider undergoing Breast Augmentation for themselves and not at someone else’s urging.
Besides fundamentally improving confidence, self-esteem and body image, common reasons for Breast Augmentation Surgery are:
Patients who are not good candidates for Breast Augmentation Surgery:
During a consultation with Dr. Mihail COJOCARU, he will assess the current appearance of your breasts, your reasons for wanting surgery, and your expectations in order to determine the best way forward for you.
Find out more
You can find out more about breast augmentation on our blog pages. To book a free consultation, please call us on +40356177771 or email . Alternatively, please fill out the contact box below and a member of our team will get in touch with you.
To book your free personalised breast augmentation consultation:
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