Sometimes, even after a deep sleep, it is difficult to feel awake and shining when you see tired eyes, fallen look. The skin collapsed over the eyes and the fat bags under the eyes make you appear more tired and older than you feel yourself inside to be.
Blepharoplasty (surgery of the eyelids) has been carried out since the 70's. Since then a great number of men and women have benefited from the results of this surgery.
The surgery sets out to remove the excess tegument and fat on the upper and lower eyelids. This excess skin and fat brings on the dwindling of the visual field, wrinkles and pouches, thus lending the appearance a worn out look.
Blepharoplasty can be done on the upper eyelids and on the lower ones separately or together, on the same surgery. It can also be associated with the facial lift.
What patients can benefit from blepharoplasty?
Usually this operation is performed on patients over 35, but, naturally, if it is necessary, it can be carried out earlier. The surgery is not recommended in cases of hyperthyroidism, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and eye conditions such as: separation of retina and glaucoma.
Surgery hazards
There is no operation without hazards. When the surgery is carried out by an experienced surgeon the complications occur seldom and are usually of little importance. There are great differences among the patients as regards their healing rate so that the result can never be completely foreseen.
As far as minor complications are concerned, the patients may experience double or hazy vision for a few days after the surgery.
If one has removed more tegument than necessary, an "ectropine" may crop up, a withdrawal of the lower eyelids that prevents the eyes from closing. Before the operation the patients should see an ophthalmologist that should check their vision and tear secretion.
Before surgery indications
Blepharoplasty is performed under local anesthesia combined with light intravenous anesthesia. You will be awake but insensitive to pain. The surgery lasts between one and three hours. Usually, the surgeon takes care of the lower eyelids and then of the upper eyelids under the eyebrows. The surgeon peels the tegument off the underlying muscle, and then he/she removes the fat pouches on the lower and upper eyelids. To end the operation, the surgeon cuts away the excess tegument and stitches it up.
If on the lower eyelids there are only fat pouches and no excess tegument, one can perform a transconjunctival blepharoplasty with inner lip incision.
Post-surgery hospitalization
After blepharoplasty a one day hospitalization is necessary in order for the patient to stay under the qualified medical staff supervision. During this period antibiotics are taken by the patient on a prophylactic basis and ice bags are applied locally.
Post-surgery recovery
The stitches will be removed after 3 or 4 days, as this can be easily sorted out by the patient's family GP. The edema and the ecchymoses usually persist by the end of the first week. Most of patients can go back to work in approximately ten days.
For two weeks, the patient must avoid straining activities which bring on high blood pressure, which might lead to bleeding. As in the first months there is a slight sensitivity to sun and wind, we recommend that the patient should wear protection glasses.
The scars may look slightly pinkish for a period of 6 to 9 months, after that they turn into a very thin white line.
The positive result of blepharoplasty will stay with you throughout years improving your look to a great extent.
Find out how you can benefit from this intervention. Make an appointment for an examination at Dr. Mihail COJOCARU .
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